ascii 0.8.7

ASCII-only equivalents to `char`, `str` and `String`.


A library that provides ASCII-only string and character types, equivalent to the char, str and String types in the standard library.

Types and conversion traits are described in the Documentation.

You can include this crate in your cargo project by adding it to the dependencies section in Cargo.toml:

ascii = "0.8"

Using ascii without libstd

Most of AsciiChar and AsciiStr can be used without std by disabling the default features. The owned string type AsciiString and the conversion trait IntoAsciiString as well as all methods referring to these types are unavailable. The Error trait is also unavailable, but description() is made available as an inherent method for ToAsciiCharError and AsAsciiStrError.

To use the ascii crate in core-only mode in your cargo project just add the following dependency declaration in Cargo.toml:

ascii = { version = "0.8", default-features = false }


The minimum supported Rust version is 1.9.0. Enabling the quickcheck integration requires Rust 1.12.0.


This package included the Ascii types that were removed from the Rust standard library by the 2014-12 reform of the std::ascii module. The API changed significantly since then.


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